I am not much of a fan of all the New Year’s resolutions, and affiliated hoopla about making the next year into something. Yet, I always find the days leading up to and immediately after the turn over of the years an introspective time. Last year at this time, I was on outreach in Asia with my photography school. Our leaders invited us into an interesting practice in regards to the new year. While sitting on the rooftop of the building we were staying in they asked us to pray for a word for the next year. Personally, I have always felt stuff like this to be a bit hokey, but I figured the worst that could happen is nothing. So as I sat down and settled in trying to be a good sport. I prayed something along the lines of “God is there anything you want to tell me to guide me in the year to come? Also, I know this probably sounds stupid, but if there is a specific word that would be really great too. Oh and also if you have more than one word or no words at all that is just fine too.” Now, imagine my surprise when I received loud and clear the word “unlock.” Not only was it something relevant to the next year but it was also in the format, I begrudgingly asked for. God has a real sense of humor sometimes. Now a year later, I have seen how this word has played out over the last year. I have had out of the blue opportunities and all manner divine appointments that have paved the way or unlocked the door to what lies ahead for me in Switzerland. Looking back at and being reminded of all the ways the Lord has guided my path, especially in the last year, has really impressed upon me just how faithful our God is. It has been a helpful reminder in the face of the nervousness of the unknown that comes with making a step of faith.
I have a praise report. Thanks to the incredible generosity of those around me, I am getting closer to the amount of support I need. I am absolutely awestruck and so grateful to those who believe in me and the mission I am setting out on. I don’t know what else to say except thank you.
On a more practical level, preparations for leaving are going well. I have been trying to stay ahead and get things ready as soon as possible, so the final days leading up to departure will as stress-free as possible. It seems so crazy that it is less than two weeks to go. Again I just want to reiterate just how thankful I am to all of you who have partnered with me in prayer and who believe in what I am setting out to do. Your prayers have been truely felt and I am so grateful!